Snowmobiling Survival Kit – From Snacks to Spark Plugs

Have fun tearing it up on the slope. Just make sure you're packing a snowmobiling survial kit in case you break down, E3 Spark Plugs says.

Snowmobiling season is in full force. Every day, hundreds of avid snowmobilers are riding the powdered slopes, tearing it up and, unfortunately, breaking down. Each year, rescuers head out to help dig dozens of stranded snowmobilers out of snow banks and ditches. E3 Spark Plugs offers a few tips for stocking your snowmobiling survival kit to help keep you from being stranded, or at least making your time spent waiting for rescue a little more bearable.

Here’s what we recommend you take with you on all snowmobiling excursions:

  • First aid items, including bandages, adhesive tape, iodine swabs, antibacterial, analgesic ointment, sun screen, lip balm, aspirin or other OTC pain reliever, antihistamine and diarrhea medications, etc
  • A knife for cutting your way out of a tangle.
  • A snow shovel to dig your way out of a snow bank or dig yourself a snow cave if it looks like you’ll be hanging out for a while.
  • A whistle, mirror, dye marker or other signaling tool to help alert other snowmobilers to your plight or to help you find your snowmobile later should you have to leave it.
  • Pull and tow straps should a rescue team or a Good Samaritan arrive to help pull your snowmobile out.
  • A map, compass or GPS to help find your way back.
  • A set of snowmobile spark plugs to help get your ride started again.
  • A pair of snow shoes in case your ride is too far gone for those new spark plugs to fix.
  • A flashlight if you’re snowmobiling at night or in case night falls while you’re trekking your way back home.
  • Snacks and water should you find yourself stranded overnight.

What NOT to take with you: Alcohol. None. Period. Alcohol is a top factor in snowmobiling accidents as it messes you’re your motor skills and slows your reaction time, even if you’re not yet certifiably blitzed. So, fugghetaboutit until you’re back home or at the bar and done snowmobiling for the day. Seriously.

Companies and websites like offer complete snowmobile survival and emergency kits, including some with provisions needed to survive for three days or more stranded in the snowy wilderness. Whether you buy one of theirs or build one of your own, just make sure you’re covered. Have fun, stay safe, come home.


A man's hands holding a fouled automotive spark plug. The insulator of the spark plug is black and burnt.
A side profile of a new automotive spark plug. The plug is displayed horizontally and isolated against white.
A mechanic wearing a red glove holds a copper spark plug near the ignition socket of a vehicle's engine compartment.
A close-up of a person holding a gas station pump nozzle and pumping fuel into the tank of their vehicle.