Some professions, like teaching, can help score you a lower car insurance premium.
Everyone knows that those with high-risk jobs like loggers, power linemen and rodeo clowns (yes, rodeo clowns, better known as bull fighters) pay higher health and life insurance premiums. But did you know that being in a low-risk line of work can help reduce your auto insurance premiums?
Yep. That’s because careers considered low-risk by auto insurance companies statistically are ones held by people who exercise risky driving behaviors less often than those in other jobs. Among those whose lines of work may score them a policy discount are:
- Engineers
- Scientists
- Teachers and professors
- First responders (including police officers and firefighters)
- Nurses
- Pilots
- Certified public accountants
If you happen to have studied for one of these occupations and landed a four-year college degree, you may be eligible for auto insurance premium discounts even if you ultimately decided on a different line of work. Of course, not all insurance companies offer occupation-related discounts. But just in case yours does, it’s always advisable to let your insurance agent know what you do for a living – unless, of course, you’re a rodeo clown.
Check out recent E3 Spark Plug blog posts for more tips on keeping your auto insurance premiums at bay and a list of 10 cities with the nation’s highest car insurance premium rates.