5 Tips to Keep Your Car Running Longer from E3 Spark Plugs

Want to make your car last? Don't drive like this guy, says E3 Spark Plugs.

Unless you live in a place like New York City where public transportation is the rule, rather than the exception, your vehicle is a crucial part of your everyday life. It gets you to and from work so that you can support your family, hauls your stuff and gets you to the game on Sunday. But eventually, it wears out. To help extend the life of your trusty ride, E3 Spark Plugs offers a few tips.

  1. Read up. Make sure you get ALL the routine maintenance recommended in your vehicle owner’s manual. This may seem like a no-brainer, but truth be told, you’ve probably let quite a few items slip, thinking you’ll get it done next payday. Top priority: changing your engine oil, oil filter and air filter regularly. Think of motor oil as your vehicle’s lifeblood, the air filter as its lung.
  2. Park it. Reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle by driving it less often. Join a carpool or take the bus to and from work. Take turns driving and riding with the buddies you hang out with most. And walk or bike to that corner store just up the road (You know you could use the exercise).
  3. Keep your cool. Maintaining your vehicle’s proper coolant level and cooling system can keep it out of the shop and on the road. Slacking on this one can cause a cooling system failure that will literally melt your engine down.
  4. Be fully en-gauged. Turns out the vast majority of drivers rarely pay attention to the various vehicle gauges – oil pressure, cooling systems or even tire pressure gauges. Ergo manufacturer’s turning to “idiot lights” to give drivers clear indications that a problem exists. Don’t be that idiot. Learn what your gauges mean and check them regularly. You’ll be surprised what a quick glance can save you in time and money otherwise spent at the repair shop.
  5. Drive smart – not Smart Alec. Speaking of not being an idiot, take an honest look at your own driving habits. Are you the macho type who loves to rev your engine at the stop light, then take off in a tire-squealing jolt just to prove you can beat the little old lady in the ’76 Buick Skylark to the grocery store? Or the guy who tries to beat that red light, then screeches to a halt when you notice the blue lights in the next lane? Check your ego, dude. That kind of driving is fine on the tracks. But not only can it take years off your engine and other vehicle parts, it’s dangerous too. And it cuts your gas mileage by up to 33 percent (highway speeds).Not smart.

Of course, we also recommend using E3 car spark plugs and truck spark plugs. They’re designed to deliver a stronger, cleaner burn helping you conserve fuel, save money and reduce harmful emissions. Check our online catalog for the right spark plug for your vehicle.


A man's hands holding a fouled automotive spark plug. The insulator of the spark plug is black and burnt.
A side profile of a new automotive spark plug. The plug is displayed horizontally and isolated against white.
A mechanic wearing a red glove holds a copper spark plug near the ignition socket of a vehicle's engine compartment.
A close-up of a person holding a gas station pump nozzle and pumping fuel into the tank of their vehicle.