E3 Spark Plugs Knows the Power of Failure

Surfing the web recently, we came across something that really hit home with all of us here at E3 Spark Plugs. Honda’s “The Power of Dreams” documentary series celebrates those who found the courage to follow their dreams, even at steep costs, and to turn failures into successes. The series of short films, available online, features an array of individuals including automotive and robotics engineers, racers, athletes, feature filmmakers, astronauts, aquanauts and others. Many of their successes positively impact not just the lives of those featured in the series, but lives of tens of thousands of people nationwide, even worldwide.

Featured in the series are several famous names including Indy car racer Danica Patrick, skateboarding legend Tony Hawk and Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman, screenwriters whose feature film credits include “Star Trek” and “Transformers.” Others featured are engineers whose names you’ll likely never hear, but whose work affects your life every minute that you or your family is on the road. These individuals spend their lives working to make your vehicles safer, stronger, more fuel efficient and environmentally sensitive.

Among the films, one titled “Failure: The Secret to Success” was of particular interest to us here at E3 Spark Plugs. Our founders and early partners remember well the trial-and-error period we endured while working to revolutionize spark plug technology, creating a product that would help drivers conserve fuel, save money and lighten the burden on our environment. Early on, it seemed an impossible feat to many, sometimes even to ourselves. How could one make such a big impact by changing something as simple as a spark plug design?

Well, after many failures and back-to-the-drawing-board experiences, we finally succeeded – in a big way. E3 Spark Plugs’ patented DiamondFire technology does everything it was designed to do. Developed and tested with help from scientists and engineers at several leading research and technology universities, our spark plugs are proven to help drivers conserve fuel and save money. And the E3 spark plug is the only spark plug deemed an environmental emissions control device by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Two interviewees in Honda’s “Failure: The Secret to Success” documentary say it best:

“We can only make fantastic advances in technology through many failures.” – Takeo Fukui, former President and CEO of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (2003-2009)

“Challenging the impossible is something only humans can do and it’s something we should do.” - Tatsuya Okabe, PhD, Chief Engineer of Brain Machine Interface at the Honda R&D Fundamental Technology Research Center.

Do you have an inspiring failure-to-success story? We want to hear it. Leave us a comment here on our blog.


A spark plug ignition in a gas mixture process. The gas on the left appears orange, and the right appears blue.
A well dressed man standing in front of his car's open hood. There is an open field and trees in the background.
A blue pickup truck is parked under the shade of some trees on a sunny day, in what appears to be a countryside.
A young man inspects the internal components of an ATV between the crevice near the front of the vehicle.